Navigate Mobility

Navigate Mobility

Koncem září proběhla konference Navigate Mobility v Praze na Českomoravské. Sešli se velmi zajímaví řečníci z celé Evropy. Náplní byly přednášky: 

Industry spolight

HoppyGo Mobility Platform

One More Lane Will Fix it?

Smart Infrastructure: Improving Movement at Prague´s Famous Smetana Embankment

Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Romania

Circular Economy

Refinancing AV technology in Europe

Public Transport Potential in Mobility

Livable Citiens: Tackling Mobility Challenges with Smart Investments

Development of New Urban Mobility System - Zagreb

A Good Spatial Planning is the Best Mobility Measure

The Intersection of Mobility and Technology

Digitalization, Automation and Electrifacation of Urban Mobility in Prague

Accessibility Focus in Mobility Policy for territorial equalities: Nordic and Latin American cases

Social Impact of Mobility

Multisensor Parking Monitoring Solution in Dublin

Shaping the Future of Mobility

Spolek Partnerství pro městskou mobilitu byl u toho. Bylo to moc pěkné, proložené stmelovacími akcemi.

Více zde.

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