26. 11. 2020
Online Thematic Workshop on Guidelines to define the National Cycle Route Network.

V rámci projektu Danube Cycle Plan proběhne workshop k dálkovým trasám, který bude ale v anglličtině. Vřele ho ale doporučujeme, kteří se zajímají o danou problematiku.
We are glad to invite you, your ASP and stakeholders to online Thematic Workshop on Guidelines to define the National Cycle Route Network.

The workshop will be held online on November 26th, 9.00 am - 3.30 pm. The link to the workshop and draft of guidelines will be send to registered participants by the end of next week.
Find Agenda and other information on the workshop in the attached document.

Please register by  November 18th, following this link:

The workshop is open for all partner`s relevant stakeholders: governmental organizations, NGOs, academia. Please forward the invitation to all who  might be interested in the topic.  


Agenda Workshop 26_11_2020.pdf (858 kB)
Modul: Akce